I LOVE creating the little Drive Films for Echo Chamber Of Truth on PSB. I’m very thankful the GoPro’s are capable of capturing drives so well.
Here are some places I’m hoping to visit soon…
- Frostburg, MD
- Again, for MANY interesting spots I’d LOVE to add in more detail.
- https://www.frostburgcity.org/
- Point Pleasant, WV
- Mothman-Land. This is what brought my attention to WV in the first place.
- https://visitpointpleasantwv.com/
- https://www.mothmanfestival.com/
- https://www.mothmanmuseum.com/
- Harper’s Ferry, WV
- The woman who sold me this beautiful house is from here. It looks like a fantastic little place to visit!
- https://www.harpersferrywv.us/
- Queen’s Point Coffee
- This is a wonderful coffee shop here in Keyser. I REALLY should do a piece here!
- https://www.facebook.com/people/Queens-Point-Coffee/100048854535982/
- Clarksburg, WV
- I have a good friend from this city. I’d also love to “take the last train to Clarksburg…” 🙂
- https://www.cityofclarksburgwv.com/