Show Cards

Handing Out Show Cards

We yapped about this today with a SUPER fun panel of folks on Chris Moore's show today! (TinaAnon, Walkanon and Digga Dan).

One of the ideas we yapped about was making simple 4x6 cards and keeping them with you when you're out and about. I do this routinely, and when I make contact with potentially open minded THINKER's I try to hand them one of these cards so they've got a shot at making it back to PSB, and some TRUTH.

The 4x6 photo cards are affordable. My printer (Canon MX-922) has a tray setup FOR easy 4x6 printing, and I can imagine lots of printers have a similar capability. If there's interest I can also put my PhotoShop version here for downloading - so other folks who may be using PhotoShop can have a faster template to work from.
